Thank you Tyree!

Thank you Tyree!

Thank you Tyree Cooper for the opportunity to capture this moment! Not bad for a non professional photographer! 😂 House Music Royalty right there!

Pictured left to right:

I had planned to head to New York and stay with DJ LaDeeva for my 50th birthday! However, that didn't happen but on the weekend of my birthday, Tyree Cooper played at Clockstock Festival here in the UK! It was wonderful to finally meet Tyree in person, and I still cannot put into words what a day it was because I met so many people! What I did note was the love and respect for Tyree at the festival. I also finally met up with the lovely Victoria Morgan (aka Black Barbie) which was a blessing in itself! That lady got some moves!!

Later that evening I headed down to meet up with my other boss, CKP, who was playing at Rave In The Park with Matt Jam Lamont. I'll post up something about that day too soon!

#housemusic #tyree #tyreecooper #hiphouse #ukevents #Clockstock2023 #UKFestivals #40YearsOfHouse #40YearsOfHouseMusic #MAW #MastersAtWork #LouieVega #KennyDope #NormanJayMBE #FastEddie #EriqueDial #globalfamilysupport
